Monday, February 15, 2016

Ways I Say I Love You

  1. I've been thinking about you
  2. I miss you
  3. Is there anything I can do for you
  4. I just wanted to see how you have been doing
  5. Drive safely
  6. Text me when you get home so I know you made it safely
  7. How is everything for you
  8. How can I help
  9. You look very good today
  10. Are you ok
  11. Make sure to go to bed at a decent time
  12. Careful
  13. Buckle up
  14. Your shoes are untied that's a danger hazard you could trip fall and die
  15. Want some of my food
  16. This reminded me of you
  17. I saw this picture, it made me laugh, I thought you might like it too
  18. This song made me think of you
  19. I really like your hair today
  20. Good luck
  21. You're a beautiful human being
  22. Wow! I'm proud of you
  23. I was wrong
  24. What do you want to do
  25. Would you like to come over
  26. Want to go to a movie? My treat
  27. I'll buy
  28. What movie do you want to watch
  29. Will you help me
  30. Did you get home alright
  31. Here, take mine
  32. Want to split lunch
  33. Just so you know the cop is waiting at the 4-way to pull someone over
  34. How is everyone in your family
  35. Yes Josh, you can have shotgun
  36. Did you sleep alright
  37. Did you have a nice day
  38. What are your plans for today
  39. Dress warm today it's cold out
  40. Take your umbrella
  41. Do you need anything
  42. Would you like a treat
  43. I got your favorite movie
  44. Don't worry, I'll take care of it
  45. You have a dog
  46. Can I pet your dog
  47. What's your dogs name
  48. Your dog is so cute
  49. You're my favorite person
  50. I did your chore this week
  51. Already taken care of
  52. Let me get that for you
  53. I'm so lucky to have you in my life
  54. You have a pretty smile
  55. You make me happy
  56. What do you hope to accomplish in life
  57. Tell me about your favorite book
  58. Should I read it
  59. You can use mine
  60. Tell me about your hopes and dreams
  61. I got this for you
  62. Lets go to Coldstone
  63. You can have it
  64. No that's ok, you take it
  65. Yes I'm sure
  66. Want to barrow a jacket
  67. Did you get a haircut, it looks good
  68. I made you this
  69. I got this for you
  70. Want to go on a walk
  71. Lets go down by the creek
  72. I took a picture of the sunrise/sunset, thought you might like to see
  73. Tell me what interests you
  74. Lets do it together
  75. Will you come up to Tibble Fork with me
  76. I like spending time with you
  77. I have an extra ticket, you wanna come
  78. I just thought I'd stop by, see how you're doing
  79. I heard you were sick and thought you'd like these cookies
  80. Are you sure you packed everything you need
  81. I can't wait to see you again
  82. I'll always be here for you
  83. I'm only a text/call away if you need
  84. I'm glad you're happy you deserve to be
  85. I need your help
  86. You pick
  87. Do you remember that one time when we ____
  88. I need a hug
  89. It's great to see you again
  90. Do you need someone to talk to, because you can always talk to me
  91. Want my candy
  92. Everything will be ok
  93. Well done
  94. Can I walk you home
  95. Watch the ice, I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself
  96. Want me to get you coffee
  97. I saved you a seat
  98. Lets go on an adventure
  99. I hope you like it
  100. Thank you
  101. I'm sorry