Saturday, October 3, 2015

A SECOND love post

Thanks Slender Auditore for helping me with my second post this week. 
Because it took me long enough to think of my first love post, this one will be a love letter to you.
So here we go.

Dear Slender Auditore,

First off I have to say, my boyfriend wasn't too keen on the idea of me writing a love letter to someone other than him. I told him I'd let him proof read it before I posted it but he's busy with dinner and I have motivation to write for once.
Sorry honey.

Secondly I've been listening to the song Someone New by Hozier on repeat for the past hour an a half. My favorite line is
" 'Cause God knows I fall in love just 
a little ol' little bit 
everyday with someone new"

I wouldn't call this a love song. I don't think you can really truly love more than one person. I mean you can love your friends and you can love your family. Parents, siblings, cousins etc. But you can't LOVE more than one. At least at the same time. 

My parents raised me telling me that there is no such thing as one true love. You are capable of loving more than one person. It wasn't until recently I realized they didn't mean you can be in love with multiple people at the same time. But if your significant other passes on, you are capable of falling in love again with someone else. 

Which brings me back to the song. 

What the heckies Hozier? You can't fall in love everyday with someone new???????? 

Or can you?

Slender Auditore, I loved you from the moment we first talked. You were funny and genuine and seemingly fearless of what anyone thought of you. Pretty much everything I wish I could be. I wish I could make people laugh. I wish I felt I could open up to everyone and not have to hide things of my past. I wish I didn't care what people thought of me. What they called me. What they said to me. 
But the truth is, I don't make people laugh. I can't open up to just anyone. I do care what think of me. What they say. What they call me. 
I love you for being someone I look up to

You took me on a date. I wasn't feeling too great the day of the date and you said "that's okay, it can be a messy date!" I think that was probably my first and last date I'd ever go on in sweats, a t-shirt, messy hair and no makeup. But I had a great time. 
I love you for making me feel comfortable enough to do something so outside of my comfortzone

You always make it a point to talk to me. And when I'm feeling down or even 'pretty ok' you ask me how to make me feel better. Even when I say there's nothing you can do and that it really is fine. You still try to make me smile.
I love you for not giving up on me even though I'm depressed 
and sometimes I'm really just not happy

I gave you something one day in September. It wasn't extravagant or excellent or special or amazing or awesome. It was something that honestly, had I not thought of giving it to you I would've just thrown away. You took that gift and said thank you several times and mentioned how much you loved it. Even the next day you told me how much you still loved it.
I love you for treating something so small and seemingly stupid
as something beautiful and praiseworthy

My dear Slender Auditore I love you. 

But I am not IN LOVE with you

This is not actually a Love Letter. This is a thank you letter. Thank you for making my life brighter. Thank you for noticing me. Thank you for being such a great friend. 

Your Friend,
Vicky Winters


  1. Oh my, why is this boy not your boyfriend!? Besides the fact that I think you two should be together, I really loved this post :) so original and cute:)

    1. Thank you for the compliment! It made me smile. He is a pretty great guy. I'm lucky to have him as my friend. I'm afraid I'm just not looking for a new boyfriend so, sorry about that one haha

  2. Awe this post was so sweet and cute

  3. Woah curve ball, I thought this was about someone you were in love with. good post.

    1. I'm glad you think its good. I'm always worried no one likes my posts so that is very nice to hear :)


    1. OHMYGOODNESS!!!! I actuay squealed out loud when I first read this comment! You have no idea how happy this has made me! Thank you thank you Kurt!

  5. is it weird that i comment on things so late.... too bad. i'm doing it. great post! and i love how real you are:)
