Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to comfort me in 10 steps

1. Don't tell me it will be okay or that what I'm feeling won't last forever

Tell me you'll help me be okay 

2. Wrap me in your favorite blanket

or 2 or 3

3. If you say "I'll never leave you" keep your promise

Don't give me hope that you might actually care

4. Disney movies

Mulan never fails to make me smile. Or Aladdin, Pocahontas, Little Mermaid...

5. Don't tell me it's all in my head

They don't call it a "mental illness" for nothing

6. Find Wolfy and give her to me

Yes I do still have a stuffed animal thank you very much

7. Don't tell me you care

Show me

8. Hugs

20+ second hugs releases oxytocin

9. Offer to take me for a drive up the canyon

It's my favorite place. Especially in Fall

10. Listen

Sometimes I don't need someone to tell me "I'm here for you" or "It will be alright" sometimes I just need someone to sit and listen. I might come off as shy and quiet at first but in reality, have a lot to say


  1. 5. Don't tell me it's all in my head
    They don't call it a "mental illness" for nothing

    8. Hugs
    20+ second hugs releases oxytocin

    LOVE!!!!!! also, same. fantastic stuff.

  2. "1. Don't tell me it will be okay or that what I'm feeling won't last forever
    Tell me you'll help me be okay
    10. Listen"

    That was fantastic. It was simple yet poetic

  3. I love the format.

    Like Cassius said, simple yet poetic.

  4. Yes I still have a stuffed animal thank you very much #stolen

  5. i love that instead of just listing the things you don't want people to do, you also added what you WANTED to hear.
