Sunday, January 10, 2016

You asked me what I was thinking, but didn’t understand my reply

I’m thinking about everything and nothing at all.

I’m thinking about how the wind asks the trees to waltz while the moon plays a melody that makes the flowers cry.

I’m thinking about how lonely it feel if I could be the stars for a day.

I’m thinking about how gracious and humble the sun is. Giving light and warmth to all those it touches, asking nothing in return.

I’m thinking about how the sun doesn’t let anyone near it in fear of hurting them.

I’m thinking about the secrets mountains tell each other while we all are sleeping.

I’m thinking about that one ant who thinks he’s an elephant and elephant who thinks he’s a ladybug.

I’m thinking about the doves who think they’re dodos and the penguins who dream of flying.

I’m thinking about the old swing set in my back yard never being touched for years and how sad it must’ve been when the first contact it had with people since then was my dad tearing it down.

I’m thinking about how roads spend their days staring up in the sky longing to be clouds so they can see the world too.

I’m thinking about the clouds who’d give anything to be a road to stay in one place instead of never really having a home.

I’m thinking about everything.
I’m thinking about nothing.

1 comment:

  1. This is impressive how much went into this. You're definitely thinking about more than nothing.
