Sunday, September 27, 2015

Dear Nelson,

Can you please just give me more prompts to write about?

I'm not a creative human being. I can't just sit down and type. Words don't just come to me like that. I wish they did, but the fact is they do not.

This whole giving us one prompt and then saying "Oh hey you need to come up with an other one as well is hard for me."

I guess... I don't know. I mean it is cool that you give us the opportunity to pick what we write about. I'm really thankful you aren't like some English teachers where they tell you exactly what to write about with exactly X amount of words on exactly X amount of pages in Times New Roman 12pt. font in MLA format to cite your sources. That writing is usually never fun. The truth is, I've never really learned how to write a thesis. I've never really learned what MLA format is. In fact I had to have someone tell me that you use MLA to cite sources instead of being the format of your paper itself. I had to Google what MLA was to make sure they didn't lie to me about it.

Maybe just give me more ideas? I don't know. I think showing peoples journal entries in class helps give me and maybe even others ideas for blog posts.

And Nelson, I really don't mean to be ripping on you or anything. I was just sitting here for a good 10 minutes thinking about what on Earth to write about and I thought 'why not a letter to Nelson about not knowing what to write about?'

I think I'm going to read through more blogs and see what they're writing about to help give me an idea for my extra prompt a week from now on.

Vicky Winters


  1. You can also look on underground paris for prompts..

    1. Well... that would've been nice to know like 4 crappy 'create your own prompts' posts I have. I'll be sure to do that from now on. Thank you Ketchikan. I couldn't figure out how to edit my comment and I had a typo so I just deleted the whole thing haha...

  2. Also you can google "writing prompts" or "poetry prompts" and see if theres any you find that you are interested in

  3. Great topic for a blog post. Write a letter? Yes. Write to the person who's telling you to write? Yes. Write about how you don't know what to write about? Yes Yes!

    And I think you eventually answered your own question: Read other blogs to get ideas.
