Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What's The Big Deal With Hats???

I have never understood hats.

They're used for warmth, shade, protection, fashion, and many other uses I'm not creative enough to think up.

If you're like me you could count the number of times you've worn a hat on one hand.

the truth is....


They're itchy, scratchy, tight, uncomfortable and down right weird... I guess I just like the shape of my head and rather keep it uncovered. That or I have a very oddly shaped head and hats really emphasize that fact making me more self conscious than I already am. If that is even possible. I feel so stupid when I wear hats. Look stupid. Probably even sound stupid. 

Maybe I'm just overthinking this. I tend to do that a lot. I don't know. Hats just aren't my best friend I guess. We aren't even awkward relatives who pinch your cheek saying "My, my how big you've grown! I remember when you were born!" as you smile uncomfortably as they scoop you into an other hug. 

I think hats and I are better if we just give each other our space. 

Call me a tourist, but you'll never catch me wearing a hat unless it is Hat day. 

Because if there's one thing I hate more than hats, it's standing out. 

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